Get to know more about Safe Space
Welcome to Safe Space! My name is Mariah, and I'm the author of this blog. I created this blog to be a safe space for those who share a similar story to mine. A space where we can share our own story, thoughts, and feelings without that feeling of judgement. It's meant to be a place of support and to remind one another that we are not alone. I came up with the name Safe Space because it was something I created for myself when I was going through my healing process. It was what brought me comfort and peace. I have always been open about my life and story that I decided to share it to where it made a bigger impact on others around the world. So, I decided to leave the long Facebook posts and created my own personal blog to connect with those who have a story they are scared to speak out about or have a story very similar to mine. I hope my blog will inspire you and help you to find your own path of healing, like I was able to find mine. I look forward sharing my story and connecting with you throughout this journey.